New 'Locals Summer' and 'Sunrise Crew' styles have landed!

About Us

We're just a couple dudes that enjoy surfing and other activities, but mostly surfing.  And we enjoy it best first thing in the morning, before work of course.  It all began one winter solstice when we were stoked out of our minds to go surfing no matter the conditions.  With a 9-5 job keeping us busy and the sunset before 6pm, our only time frame to surf was before work.  Thus, Before Work Surf Club was born.  It was catchy, we were having fun, the word spread, and we just wanted to continue sharing the stoke of surfing as much as we can.  Thanks so much to everyone for believing in the movement. We wouldn't be where we are without the support of each of you or able to share our motto, but first, we surf.